Görme Hassasiyeti Olanlar İçin: MacBook Ekran ve Ortam Işığı Optimizasyonu

For the Visually Sensitive: MacBook Display and Ambient Light Optimization

Hello dear MacBook users! Protecting your eyes is a common concern for all of us, especially if you work in front of a screen for long hours. Today, we will explore the eye-friendly features and display settings of your MacBook in detail. If your eyes sometimes say, “Enough, take a break!” or if you have difficulty adjusting the light settings, you are in the right place!

There are some great features and apps you can use to support your eye health on your MacBook. Let's get started!

Your Eyes' New Best Friend: True Tone Technology 🌈

Your MacBook's screen can adapt to ambient light like a sunflower. True Tone technology automatically adjusts the screen colors and brightness according to the ambient light, providing the most natural image without tiring your eyes. Thus, you get a different view with the screen brightness while sipping your coffee in the morning and a different view when reading a book at night. This feature, which tires your eyes less, also contributes to your eye health in the long term.

To Activate True Tone:

  1. Apple menu > System Settings
  2. Click on the image option
  3. Check the True Tone box
  4. And voila! Your eyes are already thanking you 🙏

Suggestion for Eye Health:
Activating True Tone in any light condition adapts the screen color temperature to the environment and reduces eye fatigue. This way, users with visual sensitivity in particular can enjoy a more comfortable screen experience.

Night Shift: Meet Night Shift 🌙

Do you get a slight burning sensation in your eyes when you’re trying to “watch one more episode” in the middle of the night? Night Shift on your MacBook is just for those moments! This feature reduces the level of blue light on your screen, which helps your eyes relax, improves your sleep quality, and reduces eye strain, even during night work hours. The reduction of blue light allows you to work without affecting your melatonin hormone, especially in the evening.

Night Shift Settings:

  1. System Settings > Display
  2. Click on the Night Shift tab
  3. Set the program according to your desired hours
  4. Adjust the color temperature to your preference

Pro Tip:
You can set Night Shift to run automatically from sunset to sunrise, so your MacBook can “put on its pajamas” with you as you get ready for bed! 😴

Brightness Settings: The Goldilocks Principle 🔆

Adjusting the brightness settings correctly is very important for eye health. Screens that are too bright or too dark tire the eyes. Just like in the “Goldilocks” story, adjusting the brightness to “just the right amount” will make your eyes less tired.

Automatic Brightness Adjustment:

  1. System Settings > Display
  2. Enable the option "Automatically adjust based on ambient light"
  3. Your MacBook will now work as a light sensor, adjusting the brightness based on the light level of your surroundings.

Eye Health Tip:
Keeping the brightness level at a moderate level throughout the day to avoid straining your eyes is an ideal setting for users with sensitive vision. You can also reduce screen glare by keeping the screen away from direct sunlight.

Building Friendly Relationships with Texts 📝

If you want to read text on your screen comfortably without straining your eyes, you should definitely use the text size settings in macOS. Small text can be especially challenging for those with sensitive eyes. Luckily, you can customize your MacBook screen!

To Adjust Text Size:

  1. System Settings > Display
  2. Click on "Change text size"
  3. Adjust the size to best suit your eyes.

Pro Tip:
You can quickly enlarge or reduce the content in your browser with the Command (+) and Command (-) shortcuts. This shortcut is especially useful for reading long texts.

Be Careful When Using External Display! 🖥️

Although for many users, supporting the MacBook with a second screen increases work efficiency, there are a few points to consider for eye health. You can prevent your eyes from straining during transitions by adjusting the brightness and color settings of the external display to match your MacBook.

Tips for External Display:

  1. Make sure the brightness and color settings of both displays are as equal as possible.
  2. Reduce eye strain by positioning screens side by side and at the same height.
  3. Don't forget to activate the blue light filter of your external display as well.

Recommendation for Those with Visual Sensitivity:
If you are using a second display, it is best to adjust the settings of both displays similarly to avoid tiring your eyes with the difference in color and brightness when switching between displays.

Accessibility Features: VoiceOver and Zoom 🔍

For users with visual sensitivities, MacBook accessibility features can be a lifesaver. Features like VoiceOver and Zoom come into play when making eye contact with your screen becomes difficult.


  • System Settings > Accessibility > VoiceOver
  • It can give your eyes a rest by reading the texts on the screen aloud.
  • You can quickly turn it on and off with the Option + Command + F5 shortcut.

Zoom Features:

  • System Settings > Accessibility > Zoom
  • It reduces eye strain by enlarging the desired part of the screen.
  • You can turn the screen upside down and increase the contrast with Control + Option + Command + 8.

By using these features, users with visual sensitivities can make their MacBook experience more comfortable.

Eye-Friendly Apps 📱

There are also some third-party apps you can use on your MacBook to support your eye health:

  1. f.lux: An advanced alternative to Night Shift, this app automatically adjusts your screen light according to sunset, protecting your eyes by reducing blue light.
  2. Time Out: Provides break reminders to give your eyes a rest and helps you follow the 20-20-20 rule.
  3. Monitor Control: Provides convenience by allowing you to control the brightness of your external displays from your MacBook's keyboard.

Special Settings for Different Environments 🎯

You can update your settings to reduce eye strain when using your MacBook in different environmental conditions:

Office Environment:

  • Brightness: 75%
  • True Tone: On
  • Text size: Normal

Home Work Environment:

  • Brightness: 50-60%
  • Night Shift: Active
  • Text size: One click bigger


  • Brightness: 100%
  • True Tone: On
  • Use in anti-reflective position

Final Word 🎯

Making eye contact with your MacBook is like a long relationship - it requires some care and attention! By activating these eye-friendly features, you can protect your eye health and provide a more comfortable working experience. It's easy for your eyes to say, "What a user you turned out to be, I'm so lucky!"

Remember, your eyes are your most valuable piece of equipment! Take good care of them by using these great features that your MacBook has to offer.

Don’t forget to check out our article Fighting Winter Depression: MacBook Workspace Organization with Light Therapy !

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